Your Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis

The strengths and weaknesses analysis in applications is an excellent tool to determine which competencies to highlight and which to downplay. Showcase your best and most desirable skills to avoid being asked about weaknesses. To do this, analyze your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Consider how to minimize or hide weaknesses and how to prevent risks. Use the market to your advantage where your strengths are in high demand.

Your Strengths

Find your top competencies under: education, experience, internships, languages, additional training, theses, international experience, projects, and all soft skills that have advanced you in life, such as rhetoric, teamwork, networking, perseverance, commitment, etc.

Your Weaknesses

You may not have weaknesses per se, but rather behavioral patterns that might be problematic in certain contexts. Only list those weaknesses that could hinder you from performing a task. For example, a doctor who cannot stand the sight of blood.

Your Opportunities

Identify the opportunities currently available in the market for you. For instance, if you love living at the end of the world and there is a company located there that no one else wants to work for, that’s an opportunity.

Your Threats

Consider the potential threats from the job market. Is your job susceptible to automation? Are there unfavorable information about you online?

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