The Idea

The Idea

The world of work is constantly changing, but the idea of LNOA remains the same:

We make talents visible to the economy – both offline and online – saving valuable time and effort for both applicants and companies. Conversations at eye level enable a candidate experience with a feel-good factor that both sides have appreciated for years.

“In the Long Night of Application, the potentials that the economy needs for its successful future become visible.”

Here, great companies find great employees. Newly graduated academics, motivated apprentices, career changers, and job seekers of all ages meet companies from a wide variety of industries and sizes on this night.

Our Philosophy

We are firmly convinced that nothing can replace personal conversation. Even though we are advocates of the AI movement and ChatGPT has already become a loyal office colleague, we continue to stand for what sets us apart from machines: human sensitivity. Because appreciative, honest conversations at eye level never lose their significance. They are like stocks that never lose value. Like a secret weapon that continues to be underestimated.

This philosophy has always proven true, across all phases of the turbulent and sometimes unpredictable job market. Applicants want to be heard and seen. And companies must always secure the best talents for a successful future. Regardless of whether there are many talents on the market or not, those who stay committed secure a permanent place in the minds of future employees.

Do you want to experience the LNOA live? Then join us!