The Genius in me / Footprint

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 5. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” Upcoming posts will be published weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working through the material!


As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Become who you are.” We are truly ourselves when we do something meaningful and feel important. Important here does not mean narcissism, like those people who believe the world would fall apart without them. Ah, your mind is signaling that you know someone like that? Yes, there are plenty of those—know-it-alls and pretenders. No, that’s not what we’re referring to. Instead, it’s about the deep feeling of providing value to others. Being important because our competence is needed. When we are needed, we also experience appreciation. We know this from friendships, from parents, and so on. This appreciation sparks enthusiasm in us, and this enthusiasm is a crucial fuel for our development. You can hope that others will recognize your genius. The likelihood of others doing that before you is close to zero. The expected result: I’m waiting for a miracle, but it’s not coming! Miracles, dear readers, you have to create yourself.
And how do you recognize genius? You need to look more closely. Do you know those 3D images? The genius is often hidden in the depth, just like the details in those images. We don’t always recognize genius right away in life. It takes time and patience. Once recognized, the joy is immense.
When you send your application materials to recruiters, they often experience the same thing. They see the surface—the contents of our resume—but the true, deeply hidden talent or genius in us often goes unnoticed. We can’t blame them if we haven’t made our genius visible yet. Making it visible is our job. The great thing about the genius within us is that it naturally excites others. We have always loved to delight others.
Our Footprint For our dream job, it’s also important to know what kind of footprint we want to leave in this world—a footprint that not only we but also our children and grandchildren can be proud of. Before you focus on your footprint, look at what you can already be proud of.
What would the child you once were think of the person you are today? What would you get a “LIKE” for? My younger self would “like” that I not only take care of my own dream job but also help others with theirs. And what about you? By answering this question, we discover if we are on the right path.

Now create your own footprint:

  • What kind of footprint do you want to leave in this world?
  • What is truly important to you?
  • How do you want to make the most of the life you’ve been given?
  • When you are 75 years old, sitting comfortably at home in an armchair, in the living room, on the balcony, or at a beautiful place: What would you want to be proud of in your life?
  • What would you start doing today if you knew it would succeed for sure?

    My Tip: You can write your Top 5 on large paper circles and place them visibly on your wall or door to keep them in mind and not forget them! And if something changes in your life, simply adjust your Top 5. Nothing here is set in stone.


Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

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