The Beneficial Skill

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today you can read Part 7. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” Upcoming posts will be published weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working through the material!


Desire creates wonderful castles in the air, but it is skill that makes those castles real. Skill pertains to the things that come easily to us, the activities we can engage in for months or even years without hesitation. These are the tasks we never question, the abilities that others admire and envy. Start thinking about what you can do effortlessly and continuously. Some people love organization and find passion in tidiness. For others, it’s crafting presentations. Some prefer playing with numbers. And you?
Skills that we master never feel taxing to us; they don’t drain our energy—in fact, they replenish it. Everything we already know how to do is applicable in the here and now. That is the great advantage. When we have desires that require us to train new skills for implementation, it means more time for learning and experimentation. Moreover, we take on the risk of not knowing if what we’ve learned aligns with our true element.
Currently, we are experiencing an over-education phenomenon. After an initial education, we pursue further training, then additional training, and supplementary education, only to lose our orientation in the end. Please don’t misunderstand; further education is important, but only where it brings us closer to our goals and enhances our natural abilities. It is essential to build on our strengths. If further education does not serve our strengths, there is a risk of wasting time. And if it happens, don’t be discouraged: Focus on the components of the training that still help you in your future, such as specific content, conversations with others, or new perspectives. Because we always learn something new, sometimes less and sometimes more. Always focus on the positive, not the negative.
What can you do for 10,000 hours without getting tired? What comes easily to you? For which skill are you admired by others? Which skill do you master like no one else?

Photo by Vicky Sim on Unsplash

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