Survival Kit for the Job Interview

In her videos, Doria has already explained how to prepare for your job interview and what questions you should have ready to ask the recruiter.

But what should you actually bring with you when you start the conversation? What should be included in your personal job interview survival kit to leave a well-prepared impression? 🤔

Consider the following 4 points:

  1. Resume – Bring a printed copy of the resume you submitted with your application. This will give you confidence if there are more detailed questions.

  2. Something to Write With – During the interview, a lot of information will be exchanged, and it’s helpful to be able to take notes.

  3. Job Posting – This will keep you informed about the requirements of the position you’re applying for.

  4. Your Questions for the Company – What questions do you have for the recruiter?

To ensure nothing goes wrong in your interview, quickly check out Doria’s video 😉.

👉 Click here for more career tips 👈

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