Secure your desired salary! (2/4)

Welcome to the second part of the video mini-series MON€Y MON€Y 💰. In the first part, Doria explained how to determine your desired salary, and today you’ll learn how to skillfully steer the conversation towards your salary expectations.

To ensure that your desired salary doesn’t remain just a dream, keep the following in mind during the interview and salary negotiation:

Our brains tend to remember information received in the last few minutes. Since the salary question usually comes up at the end of the conversation, it’s important to briefly summarize your skills and experiences before mentioning a figure. Also, think about the job profile beforehand. Which aspects do you meet, and where can you make the most significant contribution? You want to convince your counterpart of your value to the company.

By presenting a positive overall package, you help the recruiter connect the mentioned figure with your value, increasing the chances of a “yes” to your desired salary.

Watch the video and become a negotiation pro for your desired salary. 😊

Here you can find a link to part 1 and part 3.

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