Salary Negotiation Made Easy! (4/4)

Salary Negotiation Made Easy! (4/4)

In the final part of the video mini-series MON€Y MON€Y, we’re diving into the core topic – negotiating your desired salary 💰.

You already know how to determine your desired salary and how to highlight your achievements in the best possible light. Now it’s time for the moment when the amount on your next paycheck is decided.

To initiate the negotiation of your desired salary, you have two options:

  1. Specify a Concrete Amount: Make sure to set this amount high enough, as your counterpart will likely attempt to negotiate it down.

  2. State a Salary Range: Provide a range from €€ to €€€. Your counterpart will also aim to target the lower end of this range.

Which approach is best depends on you. The key is to create a win-win situation for all parties involved. Engage in the negotiation but try not to show too much overt excitement if you manage to get your desired amount 😉.

Don’t leave your salary to chance – become a negotiation pro with Doria’s help. Click on the video to get ready for your next salary increase – fast!

We’re rooting for you in your salary negotiation 🤞🍀.

You can find all parts of Doria’s MON€Y MON€Y series linked here:

  1. Now it’s about the salary!
  2. Secure your desired salary!
  3. Boss, I want a higher salary!

For more tips, click HERE

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