Lovemark Me – Part 2

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 10. Previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will appear weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working through it!


Your Lovemark creates the positive feeling in others that they have made a good decision in your favor. What benefits do you bring to the company if you are hired? In the application process, we often make the mistake of simply narrating our life point by point—as in a resume—but the people can read those details themselves. The specific stages of your education are not the focus here; what matters most is addressing what you can offer the company. What can only YOU do that no one else in the world, or at least very few, can do? What is your strength and unique selling point? What can the company achieve solely through you, and for what will it be endlessly grateful?

Don’t be skeptical now—otherwise, you might need to come to me for individual coaching! You have a Lovemark factor, believe me! You will work it out in this blog post. Trust my experience; I’ve always managed to tease out a unique selling point from everyone.


This question is often uncomfortable because we haven’t learned how to answer it. However, it is an extremely important question, and with the help of your Unique Selling Point, you now have a good answer ready.

Generate an EMOTIONAL Benefit in Addition to the Customer Benefit

How can we evoke emotions in our counterpart and what emotions should we be mindful of? Example: An older applicant wants a job in a young company where the direct supervisors are clearly younger. “I love to offer my know-how and experience to support the team in achieving its goals.” What emotions are we addressing here? Younger supervisors or team members may have fears of people with more experience for various reasons. These emotions can have their origins independent of the job field.

These are the emotions you need to address to connect with your counterpart. At the same time, you show that you understand the company and know how to turn the right knobs. We need to alleviate people’s hidden fears! So ask yourself now:

Who can be something because of YOU and will love YOU for it?

It’s really about competence and heart. With your Lovemark, it’s especially important to align your heart-competence specifically to each company each time. This is quite a lot of work, but don’t forget that your application will likely end up on the desk of HR managers along with 150 other applications.

In summary: Your unique selling point should distill factors from your experiences, as well as your highest competencies and resources. Being memorable is crucial for your career, and you can only achieve this with your distinctive Unique Selling Point and Lovemark. This involves both emotional benefit and benefit to the company. Set out and position your unique selling point in the open field among all the others.

A few stimulating questions:

  • What is your strongest area of competence?
  • What benefit do you offer your future company?
  • Who can your future employer become because of you?


Photo by Noah Näf on Unsplash

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