For Applicants

For Applicants

At the Long Night of Application, candidates discover who they really want to work for and learn how to become a must-have for their dream company.

Are you job hunting? To help you shine during your interviews that evening, we’ll show you how to develop your personal brand and make your skills visible in just two minutes. ME-Brand expert Doria Pfob and her team will assist you in preparing for the LNOA. Using modern methods and professional guidance, we’ll get you ready for your dream job. You’ll be prepared to deliver a 2-minute pitch that highlights your value to your desired company and proves you’re the right candidate. So, get ready: up to four future dates, i.e., real job interviews, await you!

The Interview

The future date, meaning the successful job interview, lasts 12 minutes. This includes 2 minutes for the applicant’s pitch (to help them prepare, they receive our handbook “How to Pitch” and the video lecture “Applying Differently”). The remaining 8 minutes are reserved for the company (HR representative or employer) to ask clarifying questions after the pitch.

A decision is made exactly 10 minutes into the interview. If the applicant has impressed during the conversation, they will receive an invitation card for a follow-up discussion at the company. If the pitch was not compelling enough, the applicant will receive brief feedback that is useful for future applications and the individual application process. The interview ends after 12 minutes.


Applicant Pitch:
Sell yourself in two minutes
and impress with your
skills for the new job!


Recruiter Questions:
Now it’s time to get down to business
in eight minutes, as clarifying
questions are asked and answered.


In the final 2 minutes, you will
receive feedback and, if the answer
is yes, the “Invitation-Card”

For answers to further questions, please check our FAQ.


Teilnahmebedingungen Gewinnspiele

Want to participate as an applicant? Then make a note of the next registration date!