
The data for the current registration period for applicants can be found in the schedule overview. Registration is only possible through the registration form on our website. Registrations by email will be deleted and not accepted under any circumstances.

Registration by email is not possible due to GDPR regulations. Please note that registrations and resumes sent via email will be deleted without exception and will not be considered valid registrations. This also applies to emails received after the registration deadline!

Yes! Only invited applicants can attend the event.

No, unfortunately that’s not possible. Please note that we create a detailed schedule for the event in advance and the number of participants is limited. Therefore, we are unable to accommodate additional visitors. The Long Night of Application and the Long Night of Applications “Online Edition” are closed events. This means that only invited guests are granted access.

Yes, you can update your resume. To do this, you need to re-register using the online form. If you register twice, your first registration will be automatically invalidated. The most recent registration is considered valid, and double registration is not possible!

Please note that we cannot update resumes sent to us by email and will delete them immediately.

We aim to reach a wide range of applicants that evening. Whether you are still studying or have already completed your studies or training, we are looking for motivated and interested individuals who are seeking a job. This includes apprentices, high school graduates, students, recent graduates, career changers, people looking for a new direction, or those currently job hunting.

As long as you are enthusiastic and motivated, you are the right fit for us!

Our events are only held online if absolutely necessary. If an event is taking place online, the “ONLINE” notice will be prominently displayed multiple times on the website. We will also announce this on the homepage. The exception is the IT Online Edition, which always takes place online.

Conversations & Allocation

We always strive to do our best with the allocation, but we cannot always fulfill all requests! Additionally, we receive a high volume of applications, so some companies naturally have a very large number of interested candidates. Every candidate will receive at least ONE interview, if accepted. This number may increase but can also remain the same.

If people cancel due to illness or job offers, you can secure additional interviews at the Job Wall. More details are provided below.

Yes. If someone cancels, we can offer a spot to participants on the waiting list.

When registering, you can indicate your preferences. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all your interviews will be with these companies. If it fits, we might also assign you to other companies. However, we will try to accommodate your preferences as much as possible, except for those companies with which you absolutely do not want to have a meeting (this information is provided in the registration form under the question “Are there any companies you definitely do not want to have an interview with?”).

You will receive the dates and your interview partners shortly before the event, so you can prepare accordingly. We understand that everyone is eager to know their schedules, but we ask that you refrain from sending email inquiries about your status. The organizational effort before the event is substantial, and we do our best to send you all the information as soon as possible. You will definitely receive a response from us!

We handle the matching, not the companies! We review each individual application and match it with the companies. So if you receive a rejection, it will come from us and NOT from the company!

You have 12 minutes for each interview. You will receive more details with the information provided upon acceptance and at the event.

Possibly. Please note that we have scheduled specific time slots for the interviews that evening, so all appointments are pre-booked and assigned. However, if someone from your preferred company cancels, you can sign up for a slot at the JOB WALL on-site. You can only do this if you have already received confirmation and are present at the event!

Note: Exception for Online Edition – In the Online Edition, we automatically fill any last-minute available slots. You do not need to contact us for this. If you get additional appointments, we will send you your new time sheet by email/SMS.

Yes, if you wish. We will assign you at least one and up to four to six interviews. Additionally, you can sign up for available spots at the Job Wall, or you may be assigned an additional interview automatically if a slot becomes available. You can also meet and have conversations with other companies at the Meeting Point.

We kindly ask for your understanding that, due to data protection regulations, we CANNOT share any contact details with third parties! This means that we cannot respond to requests for recruiters’ contact information after the event. Please make sure to note down your interviewer’s contact details IMMEDIATELY at the beginning or end of the conversation! For organizational reasons, we are also unable to inquire about the status of your application with a company on your behalf.

Our tip: If you don’t have any contact details (neither name, email address, nor phone number), call the company’s main office, explain your request, and ask to be connected to the HR department. However, please wait for the communicated timeframe, as there may be delays – the recruiters will surely do their best to provide you with a response as quickly as possible.

Online Events

In principle, it is the same as the real-life edition, but conducted digitally. You will receive all preparation information via email from us (including a preparation video and handbook). On the day of the event, you can follow the opening and closing via live stream. The interviews themselves will be conducted via Discord or another channel. This is ultimately up to the recruiter, as the software may not be installed in every company. Generally, if there are internet issues, traditional phone calls will be used.

So, a poor internet connection is NOT a reason to cancel!

Discord is a messaging software that allows you to join multiple chat rooms and communicate via phone or video calls. The software is FREE and can be easily installed. Discord’s terms of service and GDPR regulations apply.

Those who receive an invitation will also automatically receive a training session on the software to ensure everyone is familiar with it and can start the conversations smoothly!



When you register for the event, we assume that you want to participate and can keep the day (from 1:30 PM to approximately 10:00 PM) free.

For the online edition, you can briefly log out of the system between conversations.

Note: Sudden cancellations or absences do not reflect well on a potential candidate! Since companies receive a list of the respective candidates in advance, they will be informed of your absence if you do not attend.

You can bring your laptop or tablet (with a fully charged battery, as there are only a few power outlets available). Also, bring your application documents (resume, your prepared pitch for the interview, and possibly any employment certificates and academic transcripts), writing materials, and plenty of motivation, curiosity, and interest.

If you become ill or are unable to attend the event for any other reason, please promptly send us an email at info@doria.at, as we need to coordinate the interviews. You can also transfer your spot to someone else. If someone else is taking your place, please mention this in the email or contact us. The person taking your spot must also notify us.

Additionally, this allows us to inform the companies, so your absence does not leave a negative impression.

Definitely! Especially if you sign up for additional interviews at the Job Wall. In this case, recruiters will not receive your resume in advance. Additionally, you can present it during the interviews. For the Online Edition, upload your resume on-screen and start a live stream so that any company with whom you secure a last-minute interview can view it.

We are happy to use informal address, so we communicate using “you” in our emails as well as on our website. However, Doria also sometimes uses formal address, so there’s usually something for everyone. 🙂

Yes, we strongly recommend it. You can also bring a change of business attire (restrooms are available). Unfortunately, there is no separate changing room. For the Online Edition, it is also important to appear in business attire during video calls.

No. When you register for the Long Night of Application, we require your personal information. However, you can review the list of companies that will be present on our website beforehand. Also, please note that by agreeing to the LNOA terms and conditions, you consent to the possibility of photos and videos being taken of you during the event, which may be published as part of the LNOA documentation and contests. Journalists may also be present and publish images from the event.

In the Online Edition, your name will be visible in the Discord app. Therefore, you cannot remain anonymous. If you send us pictures or post them in Discord, you permit us to use these images for publicity purposes.

No. Exception: A small snack will be provided by Powerserv Austria* during the Long Night of Application. The buffet in the separate room is exclusively for recruiters. However, since the event will take place in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce/WIFI, you can take advantage of the restaurants and buffets available there. Eating and drinking in the main hall is not allowed.

*if Powerserv is a partner in the respective city.

No, the event does not guarantee a job. It provides an opportunity to connect with various companies and showcase your skills, but securing a job depends on the outcome of the interviews and the company’s hiring process.

Lange Nacht der Bewerbung (German) / Long Night Of Application (English)

Where do I need to go?

Haus der Wiener Wirtschaft 
Ebene 0
Straße der Wiener Wirtschaft 1
1020 Vienna

Public Transport: Tram lines 5 and O, Bus lines 5B, 80A, 82A, as well as regional buses, U-Bahn lines U1 and U2, S-Bahn lines S1, S2, S3, and S7, Station “Praterstern” exit/entrance Lassallestraße. Bicycle parking spaces are available in sufficient numbers in front of the building. Nearby parking garages: “Nordbahnstraße 49“, “Ausstellungsstraße“, “Afrikanergasse 3“, and “Praterstraße 62“.

Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark
Körblergasse 111-113
8010 Graz

You can easily reach the venue by bike (about 15 minutes from Jakominiplatz) or by bus (Line 39, final stop “Wirtschaftskammer”). If you arrive by car, there are paid parking spaces available on the premises of the Chamber of Commerce.
Parking information: www.wko-parken.at/Parken/Zeiten

We hope the FAQ has answered all your questions about the Long Night of Application. If you have any further urgent questions that haven’t been addressed here, please email us at info@doria.at. We will get back to you as soon as possible 🙂

You want to impress as a candidate on-site? Then it's time to register!