
The heart behind: Doria

Doria Pfob is the founder and initiator of the Long Night of Application. For years, she has been modernizing application strategies as a career/business coach, author, university lecturer, and speaker by incorporating impactful marketing aspects. At universities, universities of applied sciences, in lectures, seminars, and one-on-one coaching sessions, she has shown thousands of people how to make themselves visible and irresistible to employers. With forward-thinking recruiting formats, she creates shortcuts in the application process and makes more talents visible to the economy.

Career Coach & more!

  • Individual Career Coaching
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Career Guidance

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„I see it as my responsibility to make people's potential visible to the economy. People naturally enjoy working; we must be aware of this. Let's not take away their motivation by denying them the opportunity to express themselves skillfully. For a successful future together. We all benefit from it!“

Doria Pfob Gründerin der Langen Nacht der Bewerbung
Doria Pfob Gründerin der Langen Nacht der Bewerbung
Doria Pfob Gründerin der Langen Nacht der Bewerbung

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