Data Protection Declaration


Long Night of Applications by Doria 
This privacy policy has been translated from German.

Last Updated: July 30th, 2024

  1. Introduction

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. We process your data solely based on legal requirements (GDPR, TKG 2021). In this privacy notice, we inform you about the key aspects of data processing. Your data will be shared exclusively with the third parties mentioned below and no one else! We also strive for transparent communication with all participants in our events. This page is updated regularly; however, if you have any questions, requests, complaints, or similar, you will find our contact details at the end of this page.

  1. Processing Purposes

2.1. Processing Your Data for Contract Fulfillment

2.1.1. Purpose of Data Processing 

The purpose of data processing is to manage the event and the related application process. Without your data, we cannot identify companies for you, so participation in the event is not possible without providing your data. You voluntarily provide us with your data (application, résumé) for the application process.

2.1.2. Category of Affected Persons 

All individuals who register for the Long Night of Applications. However, data sharing with participating companies only applies to those who receive confirmation for the event. An exception is the sharing of data with Powerserv if the person has agreed to this during registration (see point 2.6 for more details).

2.1.3. Processed Data 

Salutation, first name, last name, email address, phone number, desired companies (including desired area), blocking note, professional status, relevant educational qualifications, field of study, résumé, how you heard about the event.

2.1.4. Legal Basis 

The legal basis for data processing and data sharing with participating companies is the processing of your data for contract fulfillment and execution. Without data processing, we cannot conclude and execute the contract.

2.1.5. Data Recipients 

Data provided to us in the context of our contractual relationship will be processed to assign suitable companies to you. We will forward your data to the companies participating in the respective event to which we assign you and which we consider suitable for you. Since various recipients and processors regularly change (depending on the event location), a specific listing of all companies is not possible.

2.1.6. Retention Period 

We process your personal data for the duration of the entire business relationship, until your data is deleted. The deadline for deletion or anonymization of your data is 6 months after the event date. For example: Event on November 28, 2021, deletion/anonymization of data on May 28, 2022. If you revoke your consent beforehand, we will delete the personal reference. The data will then remain in “anonymized form.”

2.1.7. Anonymization (Statistics) 

We create anonymized statistics with all registration data. This means that we process your data anonymously (gender, age, registration date/time, how you heard about us, etc.), even after the end of our business relationship. No personal details are stored, so it is not possible to trace who participated when. The legal basis for this is our legitimate interest in improving our services.

2.1.8. Discord 

In the context of online events, the messaging software Discord is used. Both companies and applicants can use alternative software solutions (apps) but will not be able to access all event services, as all coaching/lectures, etc., are conducted via the Discord app. All companies participating in an online event of the Long Night of Applications accept Discord’s privacy policy and terms of use. Participants (companies, applicants, guests, speakers, and others) must not copy, share, or misuse data from the app. Participants uploading or entering data into Discord do so voluntarily. The respective server will be deleted 6 months after the event.

2.2. Photo and Video Recordings

2.2.1. Purpose of Data Processing 

During your visit to the Long Night of Applications, photos and video recordings may be taken and subsequently published.

2.2.2. Category of Affected Persons 

All individuals participating in the Long Night of Applications. Exceptions are online events.

2.2.3. Legal Basis 

We rely on the “legitimate interests” basis for promoting the event.

2.2.4. Data Recipients 

Photo material will be provided to journalists and media for reporting and promotion. Additionally, the video and photo material will be published on the event’s website and social media channels for reporting and promotion of future events. The material may also be forwarded to participating companies and event partners.

2.2.5. Retention Period 

We store your image data as long as Doria Pfob’s company is active and conducting events.

2.3. Advertising Purposes

2.3.1. Purpose of Data Processing 

Your data will be processed to send you emails for the purpose of showcasing and presenting our events. This includes newsletters or important information about career events and projects by Doria Pfob before or after the event, surveys, or e-cards (holiday greetings). You will receive all information necessary for event participation via email/SMS, regardless of whether you checked the newsletter box.

2.3.2. Category of Affected Persons 

Individuals who have registered for one of our events and checked the newsletter box.

2.3.3. Legal Basis 

The legal basis is legitimate interest or your consent during registration for the newsletter.

2.3.4. Data Recipients 

Doria (mailing program) and websms. The privacy policies of these web services can be found on their websites under “Data Protection.”

2.3.5. Retention Period 

We store your contact details (email address) as long as Doria Pfob’s company is active and conducting events. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time (email to or

2.4. Cookies

2.4.1. Google Analytics (Tracking Cookies) Purpose of Data Processing 

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google”). This involves the use of cookies that enable analysis of website usage by users. Category of Affected Persons 

All visitors to the website who consent to tracking cookies. Processed Data 

All cookies to which you consent. Legal Basis 

Your consent to store cookies on your device. Data Recipients 

The information generated will be transmitted to and stored on the provider’s servers. Your data may be processed outside the EU or EEA, namely in Ireland (Google Ireland Limited if you are in the European Economic Area or Switzerland) or in the United States (Google LLC if you are in another country). The appropriate level of protection is based on standard contractual clauses according to Art. 46 (2) (c) and (d) GDPR. Retention Period 

Regardless of your settings, Google Signals data in Analytics is stored for up to 26 months. By default, data of logged-in Google users expires after 26 months.

2.5. Contests

2.5.1. Online Contests (via Website or Social Media Channels) Purpose of Data Processing 

Voluntary participation in the contest. Category of Affected Persons 

All individuals who voluntarily participate in the online contest. Processed Data 

Name, address (collected only if you win), email address (to contact you). Legal Basis 

We need your name to include it in the draw if you provide the correct answer. We need your email address to contact you if you win. Participation in the contest is not possible without providing your data. The legal basis for data processing is the processing of your data for contract fulfillment and execution. Data Recipients 

Your data (name, email address) will not be shared with third parties and will be used solely for contest management. Retention Period 

All email addresses submitted for the contest will be deleted one week after the contest ends. Other 

The winner is selected randomly using a random generator.

2.5.2. Contests at Online Events (live during the event) Purpose of Data Processing 

During the online edition of the Long Night of Applications, a grand final raffle takes place during our farewell livestream. All participants are included if they are online and respond to our message within one minute in the Discord chat. Category of Affected Persons 

All individuals participating in the live online contest. Processed Data 

Name, address, phone number, and email address. Legal Basis 

We need your data to ensure the delivery of the prize. Participation in the contest is not possible without providing your data. The legal basis for data processing is the processing of your data for contract fulfillment and execution.


5.2.5. Data Recipients 

Data will be used solely for contest management. If you accept the prize, we will forward your data to the respective contest partner (legal basis is our legitimate interest) to avoid unnecessary transport routes. The contest partner will then send the prize directly to the address you provided. If the prize is provided directly by us (i.e., Long Night of Applications, Doria Pfob), your data will not be forwarded. We will request the contest partner to delete the data afterward. Retention Period 

All email addresses submitted for the contest will be deleted one week after the contest ends. Other

The winner is determined randomly through a drawing.

2.5.3. Selfie Photo Contests at Online Events (live during the event) Purpose of Data Processing 

Management of the contest. Category of Affected Persons 

All individuals who submit their (selfie) photo. Processed Data 

The photo you submit. If you win, we will also collect your contact details (name, address) to deliver the prize. Legal Basis 

We need your data to ensure the delivery of the prize. Participation in the contest is not possible without providing your data. The legal basis for data processing is the processing of your data for contract fulfillment and execution. Data Recipients 

The photo may be used for promotional purposes in future events (e.g., in videos, social media posts, on our website, brochures, etc.). If you do not want this, please email us at In this case, the photo will be deleted immediately after the contest and not used. Retention Period 

We store your photo data as long as Doria Pfob’s company is active and conducting events.

  1. Rights of Affected Persons

You have the rights to access, rectification, deletion, restriction, data portability, withdrawal, and objection regarding your data stored with us. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection laws or if your data protection rights have been otherwise infringed, you can lodge a complaint with us (email to or with the data protection authority.

  1. Contact Details

Doria Pfob, Initiator and Data Protection Coordinator, 8045 Graz,