Create clarity! (5/5)

Instead of fearing change, it’s better to create clarity—just like the motto of our series TIDY UP!

It’s not just garages where things pile up, often becoming unnoticeable due to their abundance and waiting in vain for admiration. Sometimes, it happens in our jobs as well: due to too much work and demotivation, we can’t clearly express our competencies anymore. In these cases, just like in a garage, it’s time to clean up and bring things back to life.

So, are you in the mood for some “tidying up” 😉? Doria will accompany you on your journey and show you in her videos how to “declutter” your garage and, with a few tips, make those “dusty” competencies clearly visible again for your colleagues and bosses.

Check out the grand finale of TIDY UP here!

For more tips to give your career a boost, click HERE👈

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