Dear Readers! Today’s post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Coincidence.” You can read Part 11 today. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will appear weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working through the content!
When someone says to you, “I am your candidate!” what does that evoke in you? Uncertainty, eye-rolling, maybe even distrust – simply because the evidence is lacking! If we want to convince people of our abilities, we need to be able to prove them. We need to demonstrate that what is written in our application or spoken by us is actually true.
But now you know what you can do – and what you want. You are aware of your strengths and the benefits you can bring to others. But does your counterpart see that too?<
What do we normally do when we need a dentist? We ask acquaintances or friends. Few people simply look in the Yellow Pages and choose a dentist nearby. Most people look for references to assess the dentist’s competence. “Can they do the job, or will they mess things up?” are the thoughts that occupy us. We scour forums and blogs to find out more about them. Similarly, it is with hotel bookings, vacations, or book purchases. Our brains want to recognize connections to make good decisions – so let’s give them those connections! Everyone lists qualities in their resume or cover letter: team player, flexible, experienced in projects… but what do you need to communicate today to make sure others believe in you at the right moment?
Remove decision-makers’ doubts by providing them with a maximum of evidence that you are the right fit. Here are the 5 best communication ideas on the way to your dream job:
1. Reference Letters: Unlike a job reference, you have the chance here to not rely on your supervisor’s goodwill. Have former colleagues or people with judgment write about you in five sentences. Focus on competencies that are relevant for the next job.
2. Website: This is free and provides exactly one page to present yourself in a few sentences. Look forward to an intensive engagement with your best friend: yourself. Your goal: To capture yourself as a person in a few words. Refer to this page in your application.
3. Blog: The third very appealing and underrated tool is the blog. What, you think it’s not for you? Consider it from another perspective: Blogs like give you a unique chance to inform the world about your thinking, showcase your skills, and all for free. Quantity matters only in marketing. On your blog, quality should be the focus.
4. Success Journal: Start keeping a success journal! Note down all the things you have done well or successfully completed. Where you received feedback. Then, when asked “What are your strengths?” you can provide concrete examples to illustrate your strengths instead of just saying team player and flexible (yawn).
5. Pitching: The idea? Sell an idea in 20-30 seconds. Pitching helps us condense an idea and ourselves as a person into a clear message. But it’s much more. You are constantly informing the world how others should think of you. Consider the difference when asked, “So, what did you do today?” and you reply, “Yeah, it was fine.” – versus – “I’m currently working on an exciting project where we are proving that people have more capabilities than most think. We’re writing a book, and I’ve been invited as a co-author. I’m thrilled to be a part of it.” Learn to set messages all day long where you can shine.
As a reminder: Your dream job starts here and now. If we want others to see the genius in us, we must start showing our genius outwardly. This admittedly requires some mental effort from us. But those who rest on their laurels have them in the wrong place anyway. If we want to make a difference, we need to do more than just talk; we need to live it. This creates authenticity, and then people will believe in us – and we secure the attention we desire.
You don’t need to pretend, but you can learn what language the other person needs. In this sense, think about: Who will give you a reference letter, and most importantly: For what? Consider whether and how you want to use or a blog. Above all: Keep a success journal! And take pitching to heart, even if you only do it once a day at first. It’s purely a practice process, and soon it will come naturally.
Now, go ahead: Describe your professional life in 30 seconds. 3, 2, 1, and GO!

Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash