Career Garage


Everyone deserves a job that fulfills them, makes them happy, and where they can truly give their best! That’s exactly why Doria founded the Career Garage. Her goal: To help as many people as possible to recreate or transform their working world to become less dependent on constantly changing job market conditions.

Garage door up for your Career Garage! A dream job is no accident, and with a little help, it can come along sooner than you think. So take advantage of Doria’s tips and tricks for your next career steps and scroll through her posts. Your first step begins with a creative thought – so let yourself be inspired.

Why have you never worked full-time?

Last week, a seminar participant asked me this question: “Why have you never worked full-time?” My counter-question was, “How did the HR person even know about that?” I found out that the applicant had listed “part-time” alongside her position (project

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How do I find my dream company?

The number of applications needed for a job has unfortunately risen drastically. In very few cases do ten applications suffice for landing the next job. The more companies you contact, the higher your chances are. If there are few advertised

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Who gets the job?

Applications are coming in, and now it’s time to decide who will be chosen. The experiences and qualifications look promising, but does this person truly fit into the team? The right combination of hard and soft skills is needed, with

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If I really want a job…

Recently, a participant in a job application training asked me if it’s possible to apply to a company again after being rejected. YES!!!!! The much more important question should be clarified before applying. How much do I really want this

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Negotiate your desired salary!

The job interview is coming to an end, and the first beads of sweat are already forming. Now it’s time to get down to business—you don’t want to sell yourself short! Our brains are wired to constantly make comparisons—what value

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Does Your CV Convince? (2/5)

In the 2nd part of our TIDY-UP series, Doria tackles a job applicant’s question for the first time and explains how to create a brain-friendly CV. What should you consider? Simple or more personalized? Our CV has made it to

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Dream Job Prevention Program

Dear Readers! The following post is part of the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. Today, you can read Part 2. You can find the previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series”. The upcoming

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Tips for a Meaningful Resume

What Could Be the Reason That a Graduate of Four Degrees, Who Has Also Worked Diligently Alongside Her Studies, Is Not Receiving Invitations to Interviews? My client sits next to me, puzzled, and I start to investigate. As I review

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SWOT Analysis for ME Branding

I always say: “A Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis should never be done solely for your own company, but especially for your customers. With your own SWOT analysis, you get good products, but with an analysis of others’ SWOTs, you get good customers.”

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SWOT Analysis

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 8. You can find the previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will

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Survival Kit for the Job Interview

In her videos, Doria has already explained how to prepare for your job interview and what questions you should have ready to ask the recruiter. But what should you actually bring with you when you start the conversation? What should

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Introduce yourself!

Job interviews can vary from company to company and from recruiter to recruiter. However, there are a few common elements they usually share: This time, Doria will inspire you with three important aspects that can help you shine in your

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Spectacular application formats

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today you can read Part 15. You can find the previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will

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Secure your desired salary! (2/4)

Welcome to the second part of the video mini-series MON€Y MON€Y 💰. In the first part, Doria explained how to determine your desired salary, and today you’ll learn how to skillfully steer the conversation towards your salary expectations. To ensure

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Say goodbye to job frustration!

Does every day feel like a Monday? Is the snooze button on your alarm clock overused because the thought of starting work doesn’t exactly make you jump out of bed with joy? Few people haven’t found themselves in such a

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Create clarity! (5/5)

Instead of fearing change, it’s better to create clarity—just like the motto of our series TIDY UP! It’s not just garages where things pile up, often becoming unnoticeable due to their abundance and waiting in vain for admiration. Sometimes, it

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References as a Secret Weapon in Job Applications

At the latest since the advent of the social media era, we know that recommendations significantly influence purchasing decisions. They are also becoming increasingly important in the application process. They are especially helpful when employment certificates are vague or entirely

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No to No

Today, a short statement on the little word “NO”: The thing with the dear little word No and the perseverance required to handle it. Successful people have achieved their success because they do not accept a “No.” Instead, they ask

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Next Steps

If you have read the previous blog posts and answered and noted all the questions and points for yourself, then you have accomplished the first steps toward your next job. Congratulations! Now it’s time for implementation in practice. In this

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Bravery to Change Careers!

Switching to a new educational path is no longer unusual and is partly due to the constantly changing conditions and requirements in the job market. However, a career change often represents a barrier for many, as it may involve leaving

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Motivation vs. Expertise (4/5)

Motivation vs. Expertise – What Matters in a Job Application? Both are definitely very important. Expertise and acquired technical knowledge are major advantages, and some job postings even require years of work experience. However, the “right” motivation is also a

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With Motivation to the Next Round

The job listing matches exactly what you were looking for, and you know you’re the right person for the job. Your motivation is high, but how do you convey it effectively in writing? ✍️ In the first part of your

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Score with 3 points!

We did it! The garage is cleaned up—clarity for personal goals has been achieved, and the newly designed resume has been well received by the recruiter. Now it’s time to impress in the job interview as well—Doria explains in her

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My Career Wisdoms

A great job where you can live out your competencies is not a utopia, but an attitude. Don’t let anyone deter you. * A dream remains a dream until you start taking action. So get started, no matter how. *

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Lovemark Me – Part 2

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 10. Previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will appear

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Lovemark Me – Part 1

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 9. You can find previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will be

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Communication Squared

Dear Readers! Today’s post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Coincidence.” You can read Part 11 today. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will appear

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Now It’s About the Salary! (1/4)

Today kicks off Doria’s 4-part video mini-series MON€Y MON€Y 🤑 – and it’s all about salary and becoming a true negotiation pro. In Part 1, you’ll learn how to determine your desired salary. Salary negotiation is a crucial point in

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Including Interests on your Resume

How much attention do interests and hobbies really receive on a resume, and how do they influence recruiters and decision-makers? It’s hard to say exactly how significant they are. What is certain is that they are often looked for, as

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Scoring Points in a Job Interview

“First impressions are crucial, and the end is memorable,” says an old marketing proverb. Therefore, you should prepare compelling opening remarks and impactful closing statements. It needs to be spot-on! During the interview, you must demonstrate what you promised in

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Homo Oeconomicus

Dear Readers! The following post is part of the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. Today, you can read Part 4. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The upcoming

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Hobbies on a Resume – Yes or No?

Reading, hiking, cycling, swimming, dancing, climbing, photography – the list of possible hobbies is endless. There are hobbies that can make you stand out from the crowd, while activities like reading or going for walks might not spark much curiosity

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Salary Negotiation Made Easy! (4/4)

Salary Negotiation Made Easy! (4/4) In the final part of the video mini-series MON€Y MON€Y, we’re diving into the core topic – negotiating your desired salary 💰. You already know how to determine your desired salary and how to highlight

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Thoughts of a JOB MATCHMAKER

For LABOR DAY 2021 Have you ever heard of a Schopper, Eichmeister, Köhler, or Posamentierer? No? Don’t worry, neither did my colleagues and employees. Just as most of us would not guess that these are professions, jobs like Cloud Engineer,

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Feedback in the Job Interview

Unfortunately, it didn’t work out – you’ve received a rejection. But what was the exact reason? Was it a lack of professional experience? Missing qualifications? Or did you simply not fit in with the team? A rejection can have many

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Eyecatcher in the CV

What does a recruiter first notice in application materials? If there’s a photo on the resume, it immediately catches the eye. Similarly, color and design play a crucial role in whether we find something appealing or not—think of a promotional

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Awaken the Entrepreneur in you

Dear Readers! The following post is part of the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. Today, you can read Part 3. You can find the previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series”. Upcoming posts

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Elevator Pitch – My New Best Friend

“And what do you do for a living?” and “How are you – what have you been up to?” are the kinds of questions that can radically change your professional world. These are invitations to personal self-branding (Human Branding, making

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An Effective Cover Letter

You can only write a cover letter once you know who you’re applying to. Before that, it’s pointless. Every company deserves your unique words, which you can only craft once you’ve discovered what makes the company special and why you

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An Unusual Job

Ben Wilson has built his success on a massive problem—simply by giving new life to a waste product. His mission is to turn chewed-up gum into artworks, enriching the appearance of sidewalks across Europe. Now a sought-after artist, even by

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A Shining Resume

The resume is your ticket to your dream company. In just a few minutes, it conveys whether you are worth inviting to an interview. Just like a brochure, it must evoke a “want to have” feeling in the reader with

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The First Weeks in a New Job

Mastering the First Weeks in a New Job Your dream job is secured. Now it’s time to confirm your new boss’s decision. Prove that you were the right choice and ensure that they’ll never want to let you go during

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The 100%-Illusion in Job Listings

When reading some job postings, you might quickly get the impression that they are looking for the proverbial “jack-of-all-trades.” This raises the question of whether it makes any sense to apply for a position if you can’t meet all the

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The Right Lid for the Right Pot

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 13. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” New posts will appear

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The Clan

Dear Readers! The following post is part of the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. Today, you can read Part 12. You can find the previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next

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Your Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis

The strengths and weaknesses analysis in applications is an excellent tool to determine which competencies to highlight and which to downplay. Showcase your best and most desirable skills to avoid being asked about weaknesses. To do this, analyze your strengths,

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Defending your Desired Salary

Written Salary Agreements Are Final! The job interview went excellently, the job offer was assured, and the excitement for a new job is boundless. The only thing missing is the signed employment contract. When it arrives, you’re suddenly taken aback.

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The beloved Want

Dear readers the following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 6. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” New posts will appear

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The Genius in me / Footprint

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 5. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” Upcoming posts will be

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The Beneficial Skill

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today you can read Part 7. The previous articles can be found using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” Upcoming posts will be

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Boss, I Want a Higher Salary! (3/4)

In the first two parts of the video series MON€Y MON€Y, Doria has already explained how to prepare for a salary negotiation during a job interview. In today’s third part, you’ll get some tips on how to conduct a salary

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Please, no 08/15 Photo! (3/5)

How Important is the First Impression Made by the Application Photo? In Austria, compared to other countries, photos are still included in resumes. Therefore, it’s important to consider how to present yourself and what impression you want to convey. The

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Big 5 for Future

After One Application, Get Ready for the Next One. Now it’s time to make yourself in demand on the market. To do this, you need to continuously showcase your skills, recognize market changes, gather ideas, and network with the right

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Application Tip on Interests and Hobbies in the Resume

First, a crucial question: “What makes someone personally likable to you?” Naturally, there’s this “chemistry” that sparks an immediate connection between two people. But if that chemistry isn’t there initially, it doesn’t mean that you can’t become likable—you can also

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Application – Is It Okay to Follow Up?

The application is submitted, and you find yourself anxiously checking your email inbox, day after day, hoping for a response from the company. But what if that response doesn’t come? Should you follow up? Career coach Doria has a clear

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Discrimination Adé!

Meeting the job requirements doesn’t guarantee a chance at the position, especially if factors like gender or background might influence the hiring decision. To avoid frustration during the application process, it’s crucial to focus on your strengths and skills rather

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Being in Demand, Staying in Demand

Dear Readers! The following post is part of the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. Today, you can read Part 18—the final installment in this series. The previous articles can be found using the search function under

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Applying Differently

To secure an invitation to a job interview, it’s crucial to ensure that your application materials stand out from the crowd. Make sure your cover letter evokes emotions, such as making the recruiter smile. Creative eye-catchers are also allowed to

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A Blog for Your Career

With my blog, I aim to create a valuable resource to help you advance your career development with intention. Here, you’ll find practical tips and advice to help you strategically plan your career and successfully navigate your next steps. Whether you’re currently job hunting, considering a career change, or simply looking to get more out of your current role—I’m eager to share the knowledge you need.

You can benefit from the experiences and success stories of others, showing how they’ve overcome challenges and achieved their goals. My posts offer not just inspiration but also concrete action steps that you can immediately apply in your professional life.

The “Career Garage” will also assist you in defining your own career goals more clearly within the framework of the “Long Night of Applications” and provide you with the motivation to actively pursue them. Wishing you much success!

Do you want to get inspired on-site as a job seeker? Then be there!