Career – Do I Need a Ladder for That?

Dear Readers! Today, we are launching the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. You can read part 1 today. The following parts will appear weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working on it!


Hello, dear dream job seekers!

Over the next few weeks, we will delve deeper into the topic of the DREAM JOB. Because it’s not a matter of chance. How I arrived at this perspective and how you can master the path to your dream job will be explained here on the blog. I look forward to bringing these topics closer to you!

Today, here and now, marks the beginning of our future.

What does the word “career” really mean to us? Many people fall into the misconception of immediately thinking about six-figure salaries, suit-wearers, award collectors, stars, or offices on the top floor. Career has always been associated with the image of a ladder and climbing as high as possible. If this image is also in your mind, don’t worry. You can erase it and fill your mind with your own images. Careers are not defined by salaries, clothes, buildings, cars, or titles, as in title-obsessed Austria. What each of us understands by it should be left up to ourselves.

“Those who get ahead in the world go out and seek the circumstances they want, and if they do not find them, they create them themselves.”
(George Bernard Shaw)

You are the only person who decides what your career should look like, not others. Create your own circumstances and discover what you truly want. The term career comes from the Latin word “carrus,” meaning cart or wagon. If that’s what it means, then everyone can define their own cart, as well as the path and speed to get there.

Now it’s your turn: What does a career mean to you personally?

As a small inspiration, here are some career definitions:

  • Going to work every day with a good feeling.
  • Having joy in the work I do.
  • Achieving a good balance between work and personal life.
  • Being happy with what I do and showing others that I am doing something important.
  • Leaving a good footprint someday.
  • My daughter being able to say that I did something good.


Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

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