How do I find my dream company?

The number of applications needed for a job has unfortunately risen drastically. In very few cases do ten applications suffice for landing the next job. The more companies you contact, the higher your chances are. If there are few advertised positions for your job, then speculative applications offer a great opportunity. “If someone applies to you and you don’t have a job available, what must that person do to make you choose them anyway?” is a question career coach Doria has been asking managers and CEOs for years. The consistent answer: “If someone has an idea that is useful to us, we can’t say no!” If this is indeed the case, then approaching companies proactively presents a big opportunity.

Additionally, it is rumored that more than 60% of open positions are never advertised. This means it’s time to shift from a passive stance of “waiting for job postings” to a proactive search for interesting companies. Research different channels:, where you can find the revenue of the most successful companies in Styria;,,,, etc., where searching for companies rather than jobs is often more effective; on, you can find companies that have been recognized as the best employers; or you can explore crowdfunding platforms like or, which feature start-ups that are currently growing.

When it comes to speculative applications, entrepreneurial thinking takes top priority. In your cover letter, you should introduce an idea to the company using a concept note.

We convey what we think! When companies have a choice, they choose candidates who clearly and explicitly signal “you are my ideal company.” New tasks can be learned, but inner motivation can persuade others about how well you will contribute.

Consider the following points and questions:

These are the companies I’m interested in!

Create a list of the companies you would like to work for.

This is why I want to work there! What motivates you to apply to these specific companies? Include everything, but note that not all motivations may be suitable for external communication!

What values do these companies convey externally? How could you flatter the company? What would you need to write or say for the company to think, “This person is genuinely interested in working with us”?

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