Negotiate your desired salary!

The job interview is coming to an end, and the first beads of sweat are already forming. Now it’s time to get down to business—you don’t want to sell yourself short!

Our brains are wired to constantly make comparisons—what value or price does a certain performance have? Since we are a fast-paced species, we often only really remember the last 10 minutes of a conversation.

That’s why it’s crucial not to just blurt out your desired salary to the recruiters but to prepare your salary pitch. How to do this effectively is shown in the video—where Doria shares her secret recipe for successful salary negotiations 😉.

To ensure nothing goes wrong in your negotiation, Doria turns you into a negotiation pro in her 4-part mini-series MON€Y MON€Y, so you won’t leave anything to chance when it comes to your salary. Here you can find the first part of the series: Now It’s About the Salary!


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