Lovemark Me – Part 1

Dear Readers! The following post is part of Doria’s series “The Dream Job is No Accident.” Today, you can read Part 9. You can find previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series.” The next posts will be published weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working through it!


A Unique Personality to Fall in Love With

The Lovemark ME is more than just the person in the foreground; it represents what this person stands for and their convictions. It’s not about misleading labels, as often seen in advertising, but about true personalities that move our world.

Now that you have a first idea of who you can be, take a moment to reflect. Keep the insights from the previous blog posts in mind. You see your desires (your inner child, your wishes, things that make you proud and happy) and your abilities (things that come naturally to you). You also see your strengths and opportunities, combined with your experiences and successes. You might still feel like a little duckling at the moment, but that’s not who you are, even if you have some doubts. The genius within you is born and ready for action!

Now let’s look at how to upgrade this genius into a MUST-HAVE for others. We all want to be presented with a swan—why is that? It’s because we are used to seeing only swans. Media and advertising constantly showcase swans. Our brains are conditioned for it. If swans have impressed in the past, our brains will expect another swan, so let’s give it a swan. But how do we turn our abilities into a unique and proud swan?

Within a tenth of a second, we decide whether we like someone or not. Whether something impresses us or bores us. Whether we perceive someone as competent or not. This time must be used to present ourselves in the best light.

Just like with swans, the Lovemark is about showcasing your beauty (your unique selling point). A genuine Unique Selling Point (USP) should fit on a business card. If you can describe who you are and what someone can gain from you in 1-2 sentences, you’ve won for now. Here’s how I present myself: “My name is Doria Pfob, I’m a career coach, and I make dream jobs a reality. I make people and their ideas visible and irresistible.” With such messages, I always have the interest on my side and a smile to boot. With such messages, you can be sure that the first questions won’t be long in coming, giving you an opportunity to provide a more detailed explanation.

The Unique Selling Point is about summarizing what you have worked out in the blog post “The Genius in Me.” What are your competencies? What are your passions? What experiences, strengths, and opportunities do you bring, and where have you already achieved success? Turn this into a brand and then an extraordinary resume! Say goodbye to mediocrity.

In the abundance of options, we don’t recognize mediocrity. To be in demand today, you must stand out from the crowd. Only when we highlight our uniqueness will we become unforgettable and secure a prime spot in people’s minds. The application process is about proving, in a very short time, that you are the right person. Creating a unique ME-brand is nothing more than creating a differentiation window. If you are different from others, you create a competitive advantage for a certain period. We live in an era of “too much.” Our problem isn’t getting something; it’s making the right choice in the excess. Help your counterpart make the decision by presenting yourself as extremely attractive and different from others.

More on this in the next blog post!


Photo by Emily Sevenoaks on Unsplash

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