Scoring Points in a Job Interview

“First impressions are crucial, and the end is memorable,” says an old marketing proverb. Therefore, you should prepare compelling opening remarks and impactful closing statements. It needs to be spot-on! During the interview, you must demonstrate what you promised in your application.

Ensure that your interviewer wants to listen to you. It may sound trivial, but the fact is, most job interviews are boring. Communication skills are the second most important competency required from candidates. A strong start helps you capture the interviewer’s attention. Stories and examples help paint a practical picture of who you are. For instance, when asked about your strengths, don’t just list words like “team player”—provide an example of how you successfully used this trait in your previous job. Talk about your successes rather than just your past responsibilities. Even small successes are valuable. As a final touch, especially for leadership positions, bring an idea proposal. This shows that you have thoroughly considered the position and the company and have given concrete thought to it. Use the conditional tense to avoid overwhelming your interviewer with proposed changes, and instead, impress with your entrepreneurial thinking. At the end, thank them for the conversation, summarize key points, and outline the next steps.

What Should I Bring to the Interview?

Make a list of all the things you will take to the interview.

What Questions Should I Ask?

Good questions for your interview! What do you need to know to ensure you can perform well in the job?

Which Strengths Should I Highlight?

Focus on the skills that will make a good impression. What stories will you tell to make your expertise credible? Which achievements underscore your competence?

Prepare for these questions to boost your confidence.

  • What are Your Strengths?
  • What Was the Reason for Leaving Your Last Company?
  • Questions About Gaps, Long Training Periods, or Frequent Job Changes
  • Why Should We Choose You?
  • What Are Your Salary Expectations?
  • Questions About Technical Knowledge


Starting the Conversation


Simply repeat the prompt. “I’d be happy to tell you a bit about myself.” “I’m excited to explain why I applied to your company.” This prompts a nod from your interviewer.

What About?

Now, provide an overview of the most important stages of your life, focusing on those relevant to this job. For example, “First, I’ll explain why I chose the … training, then I’ll discuss my two core competencies … and …, and finally, how I achieved … in my last job.”


What does the interviewer gain from hearing these specific facts? For example, “I want to show you that I can successfully implement … in this position.” Keep it to a maximum of two minutes.

Would you like more tips on the application process? Click 👉HERE



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