Awaken the Entrepreneur in you

Dear Readers! The following post is part of the series “The Dream Job is No Accident” by Doria. Today, you can read Part 3. You can find the previous articles using the search function under “Dream Job Series”. Upcoming posts will appear weekly on the blog. Enjoy reading and working through them!


One constant in the future is change. It’s important not to fear this change, but to look forward to new things. We were extremely skeptical about the first mobile phones, and today they are “our best friends.”

The second constant is competition, which is getting increasingly fierce. Why? Because we are becoming more alike. Our education systems and training have done a thorough job in this regard. Now, it’s necessary to master new skills. These include constantly redefining yourself in the market and being able to sell yourself.

Continue to search for job postings in the future, but don’t depend on them entirely. My secret recipe: awaken the entrepreneur within you. This term is difficult to translate into German without losing its true meaning. It comes from French, where “entre” means “under” and “prendre” means “to take,” referring to a person who takes action. You don’t have to be self-employed or a business owner; it’s about having the drive to take action, combined with responsibility, determination, innovation, and a willingness to take risks.

The entrepreneur within you helps you to stand out and be irresistible to employers in times of change and competition.

Finding a dream job can be compared to falling in love. When does this happen to us most often? Experience shows that those who are satisfied with themselves, know who they are and what they want, find the right partner faster. If we engage with a visibly wrong partner, we have to deal with the consequences. We are to blame if we knowingly start the wrong relationship. We have not only deceived the other person, which is bad enough, but also ourselves.

And where do we find the butterflies in the stomach, the spark that ensures we only show our best side?

The same applies to the dream job: know who you are, what you want, and what you have to offer. Then find the right employer and make sure they never want to let you go.


Photo by Fleur on Unsplash

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