The First Weeks in a New Job

Mastering the First Weeks in a New Job

Your dream job is secured. Now it’s time to confirm your new boss’s decision. Prove that you were the right choice and ensure that they’ll never want to let you go during your first months.

The way you are treated in the future will be decided by the first few weeks. If you start off well, minor mistakes later on will be forgiven. If mistakes occur early, belief in you may quickly wane.

To start off on the right foot, clarify the expectations of your supervisors once again. If they don’t provide this, you need to ask for it. Otherwise, you risk working in the dark, which can be dangerous because we don’t always have the same understanding of “good work.” Obtain the information you need to deliver excellent results.

Seek feedback during the first few weeks to ensure you’re on the right track. Additionally, keep a record of your successes in a success journal (digital or physical) so you can highlight them during crucial discussions and recall them more easily in your next job interview.

And don’t forget to schedule a fixed meeting, preferably at the end of the probationary period and later, depending on the position, between three to six months, to discuss whether you’re on the right path or if adjustments are needed.

Know what you need to do!

Initiate conversations and document what is expected of you. For example, work methods, interactions with colleagues, goals, initial responsibilities, the boss’s values, etc.

Obtain Feedback on Your Work

Record feedback from your supervisor. Note the positive comments to leverage in future discussions and the negative ones that you should address immediately to demonstrate your problem-solving skills.

Your Success Journal for the Future

Document your achievements here. Include those for which you received praise from others and those you are personally proud of. They are your assets for your next application.

For more great tips from Doria, click HERE!

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