The 100%-Illusion in Job Listings

When reading some job postings, you might quickly get the impression that they are looking for the proverbial “jack-of-all-trades.” This raises the question of whether it makes any sense to apply for a position if you can’t meet all the required skills 100%.

Career coach Doria knows that hardly any candidate can fully meet all the requirements of a job posting right from the start. That’s why she always has a tip to help you not be intimidated by such listings.

Take the job ad for your future dream job and carefully read all the required hard and soft skills. Highlight the skills you possess and give your personal assessment in %. Next, think about which 3 competencies are most important for the new job or for the company. Based on these points, craft your application letter or pitch for the job interview.

To ensure you’re not discouraged by a job ad and to make it easier for you to apply to your desired employer, it’s best to watch Doria’s video.

Looking for more tips? Then also check out the following article 😊: How do I find my dream company?

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