Boss, I Want a Higher Salary! (3/4)

In the first two parts of the video series MON€Y MON€Y, Doria has already explained how to prepare for a salary negotiation during a job interview. In today’s third part, you’ll get some tips on how to conduct a salary negotiation as an employee.

What do a sales pitch and a salary negotiation have in common? Both involve persuading your counterpart with your arguments and getting them to agree. Therefore, before you start your employee meeting, make a list of your work achievements.

Throughout the year, we (ideally 😉) accomplish many tasks, but who can remember all of them in detail? To avoid forgetting your accomplishments and successes, or any praise from your boss, it’s advisable to keep a success journal.

Before you state your salary expectations, consider not only your performance but also suggestions for improvements, cost-saving opportunities, or future projects. This demonstrates your entrepreneurial thinking and highlights your commitment and value to the company.

Are you motivated and eager to start your next salary negotiation? 💪 Then watch Doria’s video below 👇.

You can find the first two parts of the MON€Y MON€Y series here: Part 1 and Part 2

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