Application – Is It Okay to Follow Up?

The application is submitted, and you find yourself anxiously checking your email inbox, day after day, hoping for a response from the company. But what if that response doesn’t come?

Should you follow up? Career coach Doria has a clear answer to this question – YES. Polite follow-ups show that you are genuinely interested in the position, and after all, everyone deserves an answer.

If there was a submission deadline for the application, it’s best to wait 1-2 days after the deadline to inquire whether your application was received, especially if you haven’t received an automatic confirmation. When it comes to an interview, following up can reinforce your enthusiasm for the job. Again, wait a few days after the interview, unless a specific time frame was given.

Whether you choose a polite email or a friendly phone call is up to you, as both methods have their pros and cons. An email could end up in the spam folder, while reaching the right person on the phone in a large company can be a challenge.

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Next up, check out the topic 👉 Defending your Desired Salary.

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